When Donating to Show of Support:

Your tax deductable donations are used to fund our programs and events. We honor our wounded soldiers and provide them with everything needed for memorable hunting adventures. This includies travel, meals, gifts, entertainment, accommodations and material support as our way of showing thanks for the sacrifice of these American Military Heroes.

The Show of Support Banquet and Hunt for Heroes:

During the middle of November every year, in an effort to show support to the men and women of our military forces a reception is held. Each year, U.S. Service Men and Women from different branches of our armed forces will be honored for their service to this country. The banquet will be held prior to their departure to participate in an all expense paid whitetail deer hunt. This is our way of saying "THANKS" West Texas style!

Donate fp

How to Donate:

We currently accept donations in two ways at this time.
Please either call us @ 423-687-2167, or you can mail your donation to:

Show of Support
PO BOX 11225
Midland, TX 79702

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about our events, what we do, and what you can do to help.

We look forward to hearing from you!

About Us

Show of Support is a 501C3 non profit origanization honoring America's wounded veterans. Our generous donors allow us to thank these heroes with our annual Hunt for Heroes banquet and supply them and their wives with a week of West Texas hospitality and outdoor hunting adventures.

Get In Touch

P.O.Box 11225
Midland, TX 79702
Office: 432-687-2167
Fax: 432-682-5363